My last week was a blitz of work at Metro Minis, potential-client meet-and-greets, prenatals with clients, and the always exciting, always overwhelming Birth Focus Meet the Doula Open House, which is basically speed-dating for doulas. Good news: I was only able to interview with three couples, but I got hired by two of them! I'm chalking a lot of it up to the fact that I'm one of the more experienced doulas of my lower-priced level...
Tomorrow, I'm going to an orientation for the doula program at Healthy Start Brooklyn. Healthy Start is a federally funded program that is trying to address infant mortality, low birth weight, and racial disparities in perinatal outcomes. I'll be matched with women enrolled in the program and it seems like I won't only be their birth doula, but also in some ways, their whole-mom-life doula. Part of prenatal meetings won't just be determining who'll be around to help immediately postpartum; they'll also be about helping the mom put in outlet covers, cabinet locks, and setting up the crib and changing table. Before I ask questions like, "Do you want to be able to eat and drink during labor?" I'll have to determine if they have food security at all. And If I see any evidence of domestic violence, I have to report and address it. This is going to be intense. But these are the women who could benefit from doula care the most, so I'm excited to try.
Nina at Metro Minis is making a needle-point representation of the international symbol for breastfeeding. It's hilarious and awesome. Here's the symbol, but I've got to take a picture of the actual needle-point when its done:

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