Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Acupuncture in Pregnancy

The Wall St Journal published this article today about the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating depression during pregnancy. True, true, true. I'm a big proponent of acupuncture during pregnancy (and beyond). I thought I'd take this time to give a shout out to my favorite acupuncturist Stephanie Propper. She's not only an L.Ac, but she also has a masters in obstetric Traditional Oriental Medicine. I've sent clients to her for turning their breech babies, inducing labor when medical induction looms ahead, and for just regular prenatal care. She also does acupuncture during homebirths (or any birth location where she'd be allowed to practice acupuncture), providing pain relief (acupuncture can actually provide anesthesia), preventing stalled labor, and generally keeping Mama calm and confident.

Want her contact info, let me know.

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